Tips For Bathroom Mold Prevention And Restoration


When a mold colony invades in your bathroom it is hard to kill. However, if your bathroom has issues with mold, then it is important you quickly remediate the problem and then take steps to prevent future re-growth. As mold grows it sends out spores and these spores can make you ill. Removing the mold eliminates this hazardous condition from your family's living space. To remove your existing mold and prevent future colonies from taking hold, follow each of these tips:

17 November 2018

Mudjacking 101: A Guide For Worried Homeowners


Discovering that you have problems with the foundation of your home can be one of the most worrisome situations a homeowner can face. When left unattended, disruptions to the home's foundation can rather quickly mean deterioration of the entire house, from the walls to the ceilings and everything in between. One of the methods of contending with a failing foundation is through a process known as mudjacking. This project is not something a lot of homeowners know a lot about, so if it is something a contractor recommends to you, you are bound to have questions.

25 June 2018

When The Weather Forecast Calls For Flooding: Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Prepare


If you live in an area that's experiencing torrential rains and severe flooding, it's time to prepare for the onslaught of water. This is particularly true if your home is in the path of the flood warnings. While there's nothing you can do to stop floods from coming through your home, there are some steps you can take to prepare for the event. Here's what you should do before, during, and after the event.

6 July 2016

13 Ways To Prevent Water Damage In Your Home


As a homeowner, you dread the thought of dealing with water damage in your home.  One of the best ways to ensure you never have to deal with water damage, that you can control, is to be proactive and establish preventative measure for inside and outside of your home.  There are several ways you can prevent water damage. Outside If you have an old roof, be sure to inspect it often and replace any missing shingles.

30 November 2015

How To Prevent Mold Growth After A Big Water Leak


One of the primary reasons it's so important to dry your home out as quickly as possible after damage from a water leak is to prevent mold growth. Once mold is present, the environment in your home becomes toxic, and the cleanup process becomes even harder. If your home has a lot of water damage, consider calling in a professional restoration company. They can supply all the necessary equipment to dry your house out fast.

24 September 2015

Wet Basement? Check These 5 Places For Hidden Mold Growth


If you have an unfinished basement, you might think you don't have to worry about short-term floods. But if sump pump failure or heavy rains leave water pooling across the basement floor, you could be in for a mold infestation. Here are the 5 places you need to check after the sump pump fails. Behind the washer and dryer. Laundry machines are typically placed against the basement wall. Mold doesn't grow well on concrete, but it loves organic material—such as dryer lint.

18 September 2015

Preparing For A Mold Inspection And Removal


If you're worried that you might have mold in your home an inspection is a good idea, inspections are useful for more than analyzing a problem that already exists. Mold inspections can be more accurate and thorough than trying to find it all yourself. While not all mold is bad, it's a good idea to get rid of what you can, especially because mold may not be your biggest problem.

29 October 2014